You CAN find meaningful employment!

Finding the right job for you can be difficult, especially if you are living with disability. Some jobs are not suitable, and others offer pay well below the usual rate. However, landing a job you love offers a wonderful sense of achievement, purpose and satisfaction - plus some extra money to play with! TLC Support WA is here to help you find work through our customised and supported employment plans. Together, we work out the type of job you would love to do, then find your employment perfect match. All of our clients receive award rate (so you are paid properly for your efforts!) and we work hard to help you build a long-term relationship with your employer. This means no more job-hopping and the potential to grow with the company and learn new skills. If you have a business idea, we can help develop and action that too. Micro-enterprise is a fantastic opportunity to do something you love and share your gifts with your community. Find out more about our customised employment program below, or call Tiani on 0410 969 444 to arrange a meeting.

What we can do for you

TLC Support WA; Discover you dream job
Discover you dream job

Our team works with you to discover the type of job you would love to do, plus what skills you have and need for your chosen industry. We also help you apply for support staff funding or money for additional training if required.

TLC Support WA; Post-employment support
Post-employment support

Once you start your job, our staff stay by your side to help you develop a long-lasting relationship with your employer. We love seeing our clients succeed, and our Customised Employment Specialists are always there to help!

TLC Support WA; end up with a meaningful job you love

Not only do you end up with a meaningful job you love, but your employer wins too! You have many skills and talents to offer, which our partnering workplaces are keen to get on board! With the right support and training, you can secure the perfect job.

It's your turn

Give us a call to start your discovery process today. Whether you are looking to start a new career, or just earn a little extra money, we can help match you to your dream job. There are many options available, from open (mainstream) employment to customised jobs developed to meet your unique skills and needs, or even starting your own micro-enterprise. The possibilities are endless! With many years' experience in small business as well as disability support services, our team leaders are well placed to offer you the exact support you need to thrive in employment.

How to work with us

Give us a call

Start the ball rolling by phoning Tiani on 0410 969 444 to chat about your employment needs.

Meet with our team

Next, we sit down together and fill in the client profile form, along with some ideas on where or what type of job you are looking for.

Start the discovery process

Together, we drill down on your job needs and put together a plan to get you employed. Further training may be included here.

Find your dream job

Find your dream job - clients enjoying a workout in the park

TLC Support WA works with people with disabilities who want to find meaningful employment and learn new skills. A job not only provides income (and we ensure it is at award rate or above), but a sense of purpose, self-worth, skill development, socialisation and an opportunity to develop a career over the long-term. Through our discovery process and one-on-one dedicated time to get to know you at our initial meetings, our staff then create or source jobs that suit your unique needs, wants and skills. We ensure you are placed with an employer who values you and who you will love to work with. If you need extra training, we can help get you there, and for those requiring a disability support worker on the job, we will also help apply for NDIS funding. Customised employment opportunities allow everyone the opportunity to find work, no matter their limitations, education level or previous experience. We believe everyone has the ability and the right to contribute to the community they live in, earn a respectable income and build independence. What is your dream job? Give us a call, and let’s get you working!


Give us a call to talk through your needs and what you want to gain from a job. From there, we work with you to apply for support funding and finding a job position that suits.

Any person with a disability older than the legal working age can apply for supports in employment. In Australia, the minimum working age is after year 10 at school and/or 14 years and 9 months old.

This depends on how old you are as well as where you are working and what training you need. If you are in open (mainstream) employment but need one-on-one support, you will also require funding to cover staffing costs. If you decide to start your own business, we can help source funding opportunities to get you going.

We provide services to help you access NDIS funding for support in employment, as well as assisting those with a current employment plan to find and then stay in a job long-term.