You CAN find meaningful employment!
What we can do for you

Discover you dream job
Our team works with you to discover the type of job you would love to do, plus what skills you have and need for your chosen industry. We also help you apply for support staff funding or money for additional training if required.

Post-employment support
Once you start your job, our staff stay by your side to help you develop a long-lasting relationship with your employer. We love seeing our clients succeed, and our Customised Employment Specialists are always there to help!

Not only do you end up with a meaningful job you love, but your employer wins too! You have many skills and talents to offer, which our partnering workplaces are keen to get on board! With the right support and training, you can secure the perfect job.
Find your dream job

TLC Support WA works with people with disabilities who want to find meaningful employment and learn new skills. A job not only provides income (and we ensure it is at award rate or above), but a sense of purpose, self-worth, skill development, socialisation and an opportunity to develop a career over the long-term. Through our discovery process and one-on-one dedicated time to get to know you at our initial meetings, our staff then create or source jobs that suit your unique needs, wants and skills. We ensure you are placed with an employer who values you and who you will love to work with. If you need extra training, we can help get you there, and for those requiring a disability support worker on the job, we will also help apply for NDIS funding. Customised employment opportunities allow everyone the opportunity to find work, no matter their limitations, education level or previous experience. We believe everyone has the ability and the right to contribute to the community they live in, earn a respectable income and build independence. What is your dream job? Give us a call, and let’s get you working!